This is a photo of Alice and I in the garden. The song "I saw what I saw" is on an album called "Tell me what you know" by Sarah Groves - it was given to me by a special friend who said she always thinks of Alice and I when she listens to this song.
*** See YouTube link, left side of site, to hear music ***
This is a photo of Alice. The song "Beautiful Child" is on an album called "Station Wagon", also by Sara Groves - given to me by another wonderful friend, at a time when Alice was very sick and I needed it most. (Thanks Sharynn xxx)
*** See YouTube link, left side of site, to hear music ***
I collect Quotes.
Only ones that are relevant and have meaning to me.
My favourites are here to share.
"Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts" (Sir Winston Churchill)
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have"
"Aspire not to have more but to be more" (Oscar Romero)
"Attitude is a small thing that can make a big difference"